CircusDanceFestival Cologne

Co-financed by: Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Stadt Köln

CircusDanceFestival Cologne

The Cologne-based Overhead Project label has been creating pieces at the junction of contemporary circus, dance and performance under the artistic direction of Tim Behren since 2008.

Within the framework of TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund, the company will now be developing model formats for the presentation and interdisciplinary production of the crossover genre ‘dance and circus’ in co-operation with the ZAK circus and artistry centre in Cologne. The CircusDanceFestival Cologne, an annual event from 2020 onwards, will offer a programme of performances, workshops and symposia and is intentionally aimed at a very heterogeneous and consequently wide audience.

The project will also be implementing a genre-specific, nationally advertised residency programme from 2019 onwards and dedicating itself to the promotion of young talent via the “Junge Wilde” (wild youth) mentoring format.

The long-term goal is to create a cross-genre production centre with an international reach and network.