Over the duration of TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund, the German Dance Association organises information events on the funding programme, expert days to strengthen regional dance developments, meetings of projects and co-sponsors as well as cultural policy exchange formats and conducts these together with Bureau Ritter.
The funding program TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund supports established artists and ensembles with an international reputation as well as excellent projects and production structures, and develops new initiatives of nationwide significance that strengthen the art form of dance. Both for the emergence of substantial projects and for improved long-term funding, the cultural-political and structural strengthening of dance at the municipal and state level is crucial. A key component of the program is therefore to encourage municipalities and federal states to make a sustained commitment through ongoing dialog.
On the initiative of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (DTD), almost 80 actors from dance, administration and politics met on Wednesday 21 June 2023 for the 4th Round Table “Dance Funding” in the Foyer de la danse of the Staatsballett Berlin at the Deutsche Oper Berlin. The aim was and is to bundle cultural policy developments and demands, to make them visible nationwide and to bring them into the dialogue with funders at the federal level. The meeting was organised in cooperation with the Staatsballett Berlin.
In the first part of the meeting, various statements emphasised the immense impact of dance and its ability to create community. Some things had been done right in the past. For example, the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK and TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund were named as prime examples of cultural federalism. But the strained financial situation was also addressed by the Länder and municipalities present, and strong cooperation and lobbying was also recommended. Non-bureaucratic approaches were still a big issue.
From the perspective of the Länder, it was advocated to make federalism more flexible. There was an appeal from the municipalities and also the Länder to the federal government to ensure continuity. In addition, a great signal came from Cologne, where 10 million euros more are to flow into the dance scene with all its breadth and diversity. Building on these impulses, the INITIATIVE TANZ has made very concrete proposals
Project Meeting 2024
On October 25th this years project meeting will take place in Erfurt, hosted by TanzWert Erfurt. The aim is to venture an outlook and discuss topics set by the participants in an open exchange. To the Registration.
Project Meeting 2023
This year‘s project meeting in cooperation with tanz*werk kassel will take place on 28 November at the Kulturhaus Dock4 in Kassel. Dr. Ursula Esser, Institute for Education, Development and Counselling (BEB), will provide insights into the evaluation of projects in an impulse followed by a discussion. In a second part, the participants will exchange ideas in working groups on the question “End of funding – what now?”
Project Meeting 2022
The project meeting on 20 May at the TanzFaktur in Cologne started with a workshop on “Sustainable communication in projects” with organisational developer Christina Barandun, who addressed questions and concerns and presented various models of communication. In the second part of the day, Michael Freundt, Managing Director of Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, presented a cooperative concept for dance promotion. In the discussion in various local working groups, needs were clarified, ways and perspectives were shown on how dance can develop further and what funding instruments are needed for this. A short video of the meeting under the motto “TANZPAKT creates change” is available here. To the protocol
On 17 February 2022, the digital project and co-sponsors' meeting of the projects funded by TANZPAKT in the new 3rd funding round and the projects that continue to be funded in the 1st and 2nd funding rounds took place.
After a short welcome and introduction round, there was an exchange in individual break-out rooms about how and what has changed in the individual projects in the last few months through TANZPAKT and what new impulses have been set. In the exchange with the projects and co-sponsors, it was also possible to tie in with the last project meeting in December 2021 and share the results and learnings there. In addition, the individual co-sponsors were able to exchange ideas and take stock in the last part of the meeting.
You can find the protocols HERE and HERE
Project Meeting 2021
On 13 December 2021, the digital project meeting of the projects funded by TANZPAKT in the 1st and 2nd funding rounds took place.
After a short round of welcoming and introductions, the meeting took stock of how and what had changed in the individual projects and what had been set in motion. Afterwards, the projects had the opportunity to engage in a deeper exchange in break-out rooms, the results of which were later shared in the large round. More information HERE
You can look into survey realized during the meeting HERE
Project Meeting 2020 with TANZPAKT and TANZLAND
From 22 to 24 January 2020, we held an extremely exciting and inspiring project meeting with the funded projects of TANZLAND and TANZPAKT Stadt Land Bund in Berlin at the Schillertheater-Werkstatt at the TANZKOMPLIZEN.
We look back on three exciting days with constructive lectures, talks and discussions.
The joint day was dedicated to the political dialogue in dealing with the right and concrete counter-strategies of the cultural sector in exciting discussions and panels.
Trailer produced by Siegersbusch Film
On 6May and 3 and 17 June we provided information about the promotion programme, the funding areas and the application procedure. Eight projects from the first and second round shared their experiences and provided information for applicants in thethird funding round. Questions discussed were for example: How can the complex requirements of the match-funding programme be met? How have pandemic-related challenges been overcome? How were solutions to problems found? Which aspects of the collaboration between administrations, politics and the partners involved served to offer guidance – for the long term, structurally, and for the short term, with regard to Covid-19? How did projects collaborate with the local political world? What has TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund effected to date? To what extent is a continuation of funding relevant for the development, consolidation and visibility of dance and creative dance artists in Germany? Many thanks to all the participants!